DEVLOG #3: Kinect v1 for ROS

Recently I have been working on integrating the Xbox 360 Kinect v1 with ROS. I played around with a number of packages to use for this robotics project, including: GoogleAssisstantSDK, OpenCV (opencv_examples, opencv_apps) and IFTTT webhooks integration.

| Spec Type:    | Info:          |
| OS:           | Ubuntu 20.04.5 |
| ROS Version:  | Noetic         |
| ROS Packages: | freenect_stack |
| ''            | kinect_aux     |
| ''            |                |
| ''            | AI Chatbot?    |

  • 🤖 Created ZionRobot ROS package that when launched, runs a script that moves the motors to tilt the kinect and produces an RViz view showing an RGB point cloud.

  • 🗣 Set up custom voice commands for the Google Assistant AI, using IFTTT (If This Then That) to communicate with the robot using webhooks, HTTP requests, Flask server.

  • 💻 Set up a linux server, customised boot config, logos android  system environment. Created custom search and update bash commands.

  • 📶 ESP8266 + ESP Link v1.0 Wi-Fi Module. Webhook. DIY IoT

  • 👾 Electronics:
    • iPod Classic with USB-C?!
    • ACEPC Mini PC
    • Raspberry Pi 3A+
